Thank you for your interest in the Templeton Recreation Foundation, also known as Templeton REC Foundation or TRF. Applications will be reviewed and placed on the Templeton REC Foundation’s agenda for a future vote. 

The Templeton REC Foundation’s is a 501 (c) 3 organized for the specific purpose to aid, sponsor, promote, advance and develop parks and recreational opportunities for the Templeton Community.  We work on behalf of the Templeton Recreation Department to focus public attention on parks and recreation programs, facilities and services; and stimulate gifts, endowments, and bequests to develop and maintain parks, programs and sports fields.

To date the Templeton REC Foundation has tirelessly fundraised to sponsor the following programs/events:

  • Sports team sponsorships for youngsters enrolled in the Templeton Recreation Department sports programs

  • Sponsor of the Templeton Summer Concerts in the Park program

  • Shade Cover at Evers Sports Park (Field 1)

  • Golf cart for Evers Sports Park for public transportation

  • Replacement of equipment at Tom Jermin Sr. Park (aka Bethel Park)

  • Provide volunteers at the Templeton Recreation Department’s Living the Dream Fundraiser.

  • Future capital improvements of local parks